Welcome! We’re so glad you’ve decided to help change lives with Team Synergy. Synergy is defined as: “The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” At Team Synergy, our mission is to make ourselves better, make our friends better, and make the world a better place. Welcome aboard.
Tools For Getting Started:
We have a once a day texting program to help you launch your business. Access it by texting the word “launch” (without the quotes) to 504-327-2535.
While you have your cell phone out, be sure to download the free LifeVantage app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
We’ve also developed a three-step system that helps you share LifeVantage with your friends in seconds using Facebook messenger. Our system, ITT, is simple to learn, use, and teach to others.
How to Share LifeVantage With Your Friends:
The ITT system is the best way to introduce your friends to the benefits of activation. Before you start, you’ll need to create curiosity by talking about the benefits and/or transformations you have had with activation, without mentioning the name of the product or company. Next:
Invite the people who respond to your post (or what you said that caught their attention) to the Vitality for Life! Activating the Best Version of YOU Facebook Group.
Point them to a Tool by tagging them in the welcome post, a testimonial post (#stories) in the group and/or sending them a video from your LifeVantage app.
Connect them with your support Team, so they can get their questions answered and learn more about how we can help them.
For friends who are open to the business and/or are interested in helping people look and feel better, tag them in one or both of the opportunity overviews in the group here: or
You can also invite those interested in the business opportunity to our Take it, Feel it, Share it Overview Zooms, held Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7pm and 8pm Eastern:
Password: freedom
Recorded versions of the Take it, Feel it, Share it Overview Zooms is available here:
Note: We are not in the convincing business. We are in the “making friends, finding their pain, and seeing if they’re open to solutions” business. That’s it. Our ONLY job is to find out if they’re open to learning about a solution to whatever their pain happens to be, and if so, to put them in front of the information about the potential solution and follow up with care and concern.
Specific Action Steps for MASSIVE duplication (i.e. your consultants doing the same steps you’re doing):
Here is an example of how you can easily apply the ITT system:
Creating Curiosity:
Always grow your friend network (in real life and on social media).
Get to know your new friends better by asking questions and listening…everyone has things they aren’t happy with in their life…when they bring up “their pain” (work/life balance, physical pain, mental stress, cellulite, wrinkles etc), ask if they’re open to learning about a possible solution that has helped you and others by saying something like: “I think I know of something that can help you with _ (repeat their pain in their words). Are you open to taking a look?”
When they say yes (& they usually do), say, “Awesome–there’s a great educational group run by several doctors. I’ll point you to the info and you can look around, ask questions, and learn at your own pace.” Then invite them to the group (so they’re linked to you in the group) and send them the link to the welcome post:
Then tag them in the welcome post (the tool in this case) with something like, “Welcome! This is a great place to start learning about how you can benefit from activating your survival and repair genes…read this short welcome post and watch the 5 minute ABC News report from 2005 that started it all & also the 3 minute update – then search #superpost and #stories to see what activation can do for YOU. Feel free to ask any questions — This group is incredibly helpful and supportive! Also, I sent you a PM (If any of this makes you think of someone who needs this information, feel free to invite them to the group and let them know why you did. Then have a look at the last video – it’s a quick overview of the bigger picture and how you can benefit even more).”
Then message them, “I just tagged you in the welcome post…it’s a quick read and a few super short videos including a news report and update. Happy learning! Watch the news report first-you’ll be blown away. When you’re ready, you can learn more and order at 10-20% off here: {*Your affiliate LifeVantage site is usually…to confirm for sure, just check your app under your info and it will show you what it is
When they’ve seen the tool and show interest/have questions, connect them with your team/enroller. This is necessary for a few reasons 1) Initially you may not have all the answers and it’s easier for you to let your team answer the questions. and 2) You and your potential customer/consultant are learning from listening to the answers and 3) If they decide to join you they don’t have to know anything to start sharing –they just have to connect their people with you by creating a 3 way conversation just like you did (this can be done with fb messenger, text or even a phone call. This lets them know that LifeVantage is “bigger than just you” and also provides “social proof” and much-needed 3rd party validation (For an example of how powerful 3rd party validation is, think of the shoe saleslady…you try on some shoes, you like them, but hesitate because they’re fancier or more expensive than you normally wear. then the sales lady says they look good on you but you still hesitate…then a lady you don’t know walks by and exclaims, “Wow, those shoes make your legs look fantastic!” … you are probalby walking out of the store with a new pair of expensive shoes Human nature requires 3rd party validation..)
That’s it! Just be sure to keep track of the people you’re in conversations with– use a paper or online log (iPhone notebook, physical notebook, google spreadsheet, Trello board etc.) so you can follow up. Remember, most people don’t purchase until after multiple touches, so just stay in contact with them by being a good friend and one of their biggest fans Comment on their posts and love on their stories, etc. Check in from time to time to see how they’re doing. And of course, when they’ve seen something that interests them, ask if they’re ready to get started.
P.S. We are planting seeds … some will sprout in a day or two, some in weeks & some in months or even years … (for example this month I have enrolled people I talked to for two days, two weeks, two months, six months, one year, and SIX years.)… We are “married to the process” only…not the results… the results simply come “on their own time”. Each of our friends has their own timeline that we are not in control of so there is zero sense in stressing about “when” they will come around to “high noon”
Stay Connected:
LFVN Team Synergy Consultants’ Group: This group is our consultant only group where we post business building tips, upcoming webinars and zoom calls, event information, education, and recognition.
Vitality for Life! Making the Most of YOU group:
This group is for you to add your potential customers and teammates to learn about the benefits of activation. Please add your compliant stories & testimonials as well-the group works best when many people are adding value
(In the above group if you have someone interested in the business, you can tag them in the post with the “Team Synergy Sneak Peek” file (or add them to the group by the same name if you like) This group Is for you to add people who are thinking about doing the business with you who want to learn more about how it works. Here we will post compensation plan information, opportunity presentations, and congratulatory posts so people can be a kind of “a fly on the wall” to see how our team works. I will copy and paste your congratulatory posts from this group into that group as well as add my own. If there’s anything you see that you feel should be in the Team Synergy sneak peek group to help people decide to take the plunge, feel free to send it to me and I will add it.
Tools to Help You!
We have #TheLittleYellowTools!! ️️️️️:)
For a short intro to LifeVantage and Activation, where your friends can “choose their own adventure” (learn more about the products, the opportunity, the science and more), you can share this link:
Since you’re reading this on the website I’m assuming you know this but just in case this was printed out and handed to you, please know that we also have a Team Website (password is teamsynergy all one word)
For YouTube stories and info about the LifeVantage products,we have the Little Yellow Activator Channel:—>Subscribe today so you are always in the know:
For Team Synergy LifeVantage business related videos we gave the Team Synergy YouTube channel:
—>Subscribe today as we add content All. The. Time.
(#ProTip! when sharing YouTube videos, try to share videos from these channels only so they won’t have someone else’s referral link at the bottom).
Don’t be a tool…use the tools!
(Remember to subscribe to both YouTube channels so you’re in the loop on all things LifeVantage
We have 2 facebook groups:
1 for the products and (Vitality for Life – Activating the Best Version of YOU)
1 for the business (LFVN Team Synergy Consultants Group)
We have 2 YouTube channels:
1 for the products and (Little Yellow Activator Channel)
1 for the business : (Team Synergy Channel)
We have 2 websites:
1 for the products and (
1 for the business (
PROTIP: Amateurs convince. Professionals “sort”.
PROTIP: Amateurs convince. Professionals “sort”.
Remember, we’re looking for the “lookers” (I.e. those who WANT something different in their life, not those who need it. Everyone needs it, but not everyone wants it.).
Our “job” is to take them from “not knowing” to “knowing”.
Their “job” is to take that knowledge and decide what to do with it.
And be sure to watch our New Consultant Getting Started Video Playlist here:
(Remember “facts tell” and “stories sell”…In other words please, please, please don’t talk about the “features” of the products or post pictures of the products or the name of the product or company on your wall. Instead tell a story that highlights the actual “benefits of the benefits” of our products and how life has changed for the better because of them. Post pictures of your face or your family members or your pets because that’s what gets attention. Not product pictures. We don’t want to look like a “commercial for our company”. Not only does it cause our friends to unfollow us, it flat out doesn’t work at all.)
IMPORTANT—> Register for the next virtual or in person LifeVantage event here (use your free ticket that came in your enrollment pack!): Don’t forget to book your flight/hotel/work time off/babysitter/petsitter etc because people who attend these events grow their businesses 6 times faster and bigger and make more money!
And finally, when you enroll your new teammates, invite them to our LFVN Team Synergy Consultants group (and send me a PM so I can approve them ;)) and feel free to do a Welcome post in the group with their best facebook photo and Tag them in the welcome post.