New Distributor Welcome Letter
New Distributor Welcome Letter
Welcome to LifeVantage and to our team, “Team Synergy”! So glad you’ve decided to change lives with us. Please ask your enroller to add you to our Team Distributor Facebook Group, “LFVN Team Synergy Distributors’ Group” (and once in, set notifications to “All” so you’ll always be informed of the latest developments).
In addition, we have our Team Synergy Website here (for any “protected” areas, the password is “teamsynergy” all one word, lowercase): (Recommend checking out the “Launch” tab and the “Start” tab (under Launch) to help you get started on the right foot!
To assure your success, we’ve created a really simple 123 system that can be done through Facebook messenger in seconds (or text message if not on facebook, although it’s much easier with Facebook so if you’re not on, recommend you create an account just for this purpose) so it fits in the nooks and crannies of your day…just “Add, Tag, and Message” and then let people make up their own minds, in their own time….in other words…Use our ATM system – it’s a 1-2-3 system of:
1) Creating curiosity (talking about benefits you or others have received, without mentioning product or company name and/or “listening” for a person’s pain and asking if they’re open to a possible solution that’s helping others with that very issue…
2) Inviting, (adding) and tagging to #TheLittleYellowPill and friends group, and…
3) Following up (the fortune is in the follow-up!) … thru messenger, telephone or text … we have great tools to help with this too!
(In our business, it doesn’t matter what works. It only matters what DUPLICATES. Make it easier on yourself by using our fail-proof 1-2-3 system that anyone can do AND duplicate because it’s what duplicates that makes your business soar!)
*Note: We are not in the “convincing” business. We are in the “finding people’s pain and seeing if they’re open to solutions business“.
Ready to “follow the yellow brick road”? 😉 Just click here, and follow the steps (when you’re ready for the next lesson, just click the button at the bottom): ß Click and follow for success!
Also, I look forward to working with you! Please take a moment to send me text message (cell# 228-424-3935) introducing yourself with your name (and ID # if your LifeVantage business is in a different name) and your sponsor/enroller’s name. When you do, if you include your mailing address, I’ll send you a book that changed my life and led to my “stick-to-it-iveness” in this business-it’s a really quick read (2 ten minute sessions should do it) and it will “blow your mind”!
Again, welcome and congratulations!
P.S. Be sure to subscribe to our two YouTube channels so you can get new training and testimonial videos as they’re uploaded:
Team Synergy Channel:
(there’s a great “New Distributor Training” Playlist here: This is great to send to your newly enrolled distributors!
TheLittleYellowPill Channel:
(there’s a great “Start Here” Playlist here: This is great to send to prospective customers and/or partners.